Medtech POV Blog

Updates to AdvaMed® Code of Ethics Discussed on Recent Episode of Capital Forum

The Advanced Medical Technology Association®’s Deputy General Counsel and Senior, VP of Legal, Pat Fogarty, joined Jack Kalavritinos, host of Capital Forum, and Jonathan Turner, Global Head of Compliance, Privacy and Governance, Zoll Medical, to discuss the recent revisions the AdvaMed® Code.

The longstanding Code provides important guidance to medical technology companies, and with these revisions, AdvaMed® and its members reaffirm their commitment to ethical and compliant interactions and collaborations with HCPs, while also ensuring that the Code reflects the evolving legal, regulatory, and health care landscape.

The revised Code, which went into effect on June 1, 2022, includes updates concerning value-based or outcomes-based health care arrangements, consistent with the recent value-based safe harbor modernizations under the federal Anti-Kickback Statute, as well as revisions and FAQs in response to the OIG’s 2020 Special Fraud Alert on Speaker Programs.

For more information about the AdvaMed® Code of Ethics click here.

Watch the full Capital Forum episode with Fogarty and Turner here.

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