Hear Patient Stories

The Story of Medtech empowers patients to share their experiences with medical technology in an effort to educate, inspire, and create community.

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AdvaMed®’s Medical Innovation Agenda

AdvaMed® is collaborating with leaders and medtech champions from both parties in both houses of the 118th Congress on our top medtech priorities to foster greater medical innovation and expand access to medical technologies.

Capitol Hill viewed between columns

Medtech POV Blog

For all the latest developments, perspectives, and resources by and for the medical technology industry, consult the Medtech POV blog.

Medtech POV Podcast

Brought to you by AdvaMed®, Medtech POV with Scott Whitaker is a podcast that covers the intersection of medtech and policy from every perspective.

stack of books with stethoscope

Latest Research

Our experts are continually conducting new and valuable research for the medtech industry.

Jobs in Medtech

Medtech Career Center

The AdvaMed® Medtech Career Center gives you access to the jobs, candidates, and resources you need.

Industry Accolade

Lifetime Achievement Award

Each year at the Medtech Conference, AdvaMed® recognizes extraordinary individuals who have had significant impact on the medical technology industry and the patients it serves, with the presentation of the AdvaMed® Lifetime Achievement Award.

Cathy Burzik receives 2019 AdvaMed® Lifetime Achievement Award

Contribute to AdvaMed® PAC

Our voluntary, bi-partisan Political Action Committee (PAC) allows us to maximize the political strength of the medical device industry. Please consider making a contribution.