The Advanced Medical Technology Association® (AdvaMed®), is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. AdvaMed®’s membership has reached over 500 members and more than 80 employees with a global presence including Europe, India, China, Brazil, and Japan. AdvaMed®’s member companies range from the largest to the smallest medical technology innovators and companies. The Association acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and digital health technologies.

AdvaMed®’s Efforts

AdvaMed® promotes competitive policies that foster the highest ethical standards, appropriate reimbursement, and access to international markets. While the policies advocated by AdvaMed® are tailored to the specific issues facing the device and diagnostics industry, the need for strategic government policies is applicable to all the high technology, high value sectors in which America must compete effectively if it is to assure robust economic growth and a high standard of living for the American people.

That’s why AdvaMed® has created a policy framework that, when enacted, will help preserve our leadership and foster future growth and innovation. Without strategic government policies to support the medical technology industry’s efforts to compete in world markets, American economic leadership will be lost.

AdvaMed® provides a variety of Medtech services to companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products, and digital health technologies to support business development, investment, to ultimately save and improve patient lives.

A Washington Leader

AdvaMed® was named one of the most effective trade associations in Washington, D.C. according to the latest annual TradeMarks study released by APCO Worldwide, a leading international advocacy and communications consulting firm. Based on a survey of 322 policy leaders in Washington, AdvaMed® ranked first in 3 of 15 performance categories: media relations, information resource, and member representation.

Become an AdvaMed® Member

Join over 500 medical technology companies as a member of one of the most effective trade associations in Washington, D.C.