Women in Cardiovascular Device Trials
AdvaMed members have launched a public awareness campaign to encourage recruitment, enrollment and retention of women in cardiovascular device trials.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for women and is often difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can be subtle and hard to recognize. The result is that women may delay going to the doctor, discovering their heart disease at a later stage or when it’s too late to seek effective treatment.
AdvaMed members, in collaboration with a group of leading women cardiologists, clinical and research societies, and patient groups, have launched a public awareness campaign to encourage recruitment, enrollment and retention of women in cardiovascular device trials. Historically, women have been underrepresented in cardiovascular clinical trials, making it difficult for researchers and clinicians to draw conclusions about the effects of new treatments on women. Together, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of recruiting, enrolling and retaining more women in cardiovascular clinical trials.
A collection of campaign resources — linked below, which can be branded, distributed and used by any clinical or health care society or association, patient or consumer group, or company — has been created to raise awareness about the need for more women to enroll in cardiovascular clinical trials. The materials are free and intended for anyone’s use. See the resources below.

Take Her Health to Heart
Campaign Resources
Recruiting Women in Clinical Trials
Additional Resources
American Heart Association Go Red for Women Video: Just A Little Heart Attack