AdvaMed Congratulates United States Trade Representative Greer on Confirmation
Washington, D.C. – AdvaMed, the Medtech Association, is the world’s largest trade association, representing more than 600 medtech companies ranging from multinational corporations to small businesses and startups. President and CEO Scott Whitaker made the following statement on U.S. Senate confirmation of Jamieson Greer as United States Trade Representative.
“Ambassador Greer is an experienced trade attorney with prior executive branch service who understands the nuances of trade policy, the importance of global market access for U.S. medtech companies, and the complexity of our manufacturing supply chains. AdvaMed congratulates him on his new position and his willingness to serve.
“We look forward to working with him on a number of issues critical to patient access to lifesaving, life-enhancing medtech, in the United States and worldwide. From maintaining fair trade and good relationships with trusted trading partners to addressing barriers on U.S. exports to the impact of tariffs on patient access to medtech and timely care, Ambassador Greer will navigate a long list of issues critical to patients and a successful U.S.-led industry.
“AdvaMed is here as a resource to Ambassador Greer and his team with insights and data on medtech manufacturing, supply chains, foreign market access, and the effects of trade policies on our companies’ ability to serve patients.”