AdvaMed® Statement on Final TCET Notice
WASHINGTON – AdvaMed®, the Medtech Association, released the following statement from President and CEO Scott Whitaker on the final Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies (TCET) notice from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):
“The final TCET notice is a step toward a stronger, more robust policy, but doesn’t go far enough to help the Medicare seniors depending on breakthrough diagnostics and treatments to alleviate their suffering. The limited number of devices CMS can handle demonstrates clearly to Congress the need for greater resources at CMS. And the exclusion of diagnostics is disappointing, particularly considering the potential for a breakthrough diagnostic technology to save not only lives but costs to the health care system overall through earlier detection. While we appreciate that CMS has released the rule, we call on Congress to finish the job by passing HR 1691, the Ensuring Access to Critical Breakthrough Products Act. Too many patients in need of breakthrough diagnoses and treatments are counting on it.”