Committees & Working Groups
One of the best ways to become engaged in AdvaMed® is through our committees and 100+ working groups. Each policy area has a number of working groups that focus on a variety of issues to address the increasing challenges facing medical device, diagnostic, and health IT companies today.
510(k) Working Group
To address regulatory initiatives that impact 510(k) submissions. (Quarterly meetings)
Contact: Geeta Pamidimukkala
Accel Member Updates
Distribution List for regular Accel Member Updates: Accel Monthly Policy Update Accel Quarterly Advocacy Briefing
Contact: Patrick Brennan
Accel Tax Reform Work Group
To develop recommendations for tax policy to encourage innovation and investment in small companies.
Contact: Patrick Brennan
Ad Hoc 3D Printing Working Group
To monitor and address issues related to 3D printing. (Meetings: As needed)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Ad Hoc Biocompatibility Working Group
To address issues with medical device biocompatibility testing requirements and work with FDA to ensure clarity and predictability regarding these requirements. (Meetings: Monthly/Quarterly)
Contact: Khatereh Calleja
AdvaMed Global Supply Chain Working Group
Contact: Abby Pratt
Advancing Health Equity Through MedTech Core Team
Member companies and AdvaMed staff working on efforts to respond to racial disparities in health.
Contact: DeChane Dorsey
Advertising and Promotion Working Group
To address FDA's regulation of device manufacturers advertising and promotion activities. (Meetings/Calls: as needed)
Contact: Khatereh Calleja
Africa Working Group
To advance AdvaMed's Africa advocacy reducing patient barriers to Medtech across the disciplines of trade, regulatory, access, and ethics
Contact: Steven Bipes
Antimicrobial Stewardship Payment Subgroup
This subgroup of the AdvaMed Diagnostic Payment Work Group (DPWG) will work to develop recommendations to the government for improving payment and coverage for tests that further antimicrobial stewardship.
Contact: Tara Burke
ASEAN Working Group
to improve regulatory coherence through effective adoption and implementation of the ASEAN medical device directive
Contact: Philip Agress
Brazil Working Group
To advance AdvaMed?s Brazil advocacy reducing patient barriers to medtech across the disciplines of trade, regulatory, access and ethics
Contact: Steven Bipes
Central America Working Group
To advance AdvaMed?s Central America advocacy reducing patient barriers to medtech across the disciplines of trade, regulatory, access and ethics
Contact: Steven Bipes
China Code and Compliance Task Force
Convene medtech compliance members and stakeholders in China to discuss contemporary compliance issues and steer AdvaMed's compliance program in China. In 2021, the Task Force will review and modernize as necessary the China Code of Ethics to align with the 2020 AdvaMed Code of Ethics.
Contact: Ida Nassar
China Payment Working Group
To monitor and advocate industry positions in China's developing payment and reimbursement systems. Current Projects: Working with Chinese health officials to ensure appropriate value of technology in the new Centralized Tendering program; arranging education programs for Chinese reimbursement officials to share international experience.
Contact: Kyle Churchman
China Regulatory Working Group
To monitor and improve upon key regulatory issues in China.
Contact: Kyle Churchman
Clinical Trials Working Group
To address regulatory and legislative initiatives that impact clinical trials. (Meetings/Calls: weekly)
Contact: Ana Loloei
CMS Strategy Work Group
This standing workgroup will serve as a forum to monitor and respond to policy developments from CMS in consideration of modernizing approval processes and coverage. Meeting bi-weekly, members will engage in informal discussions, share insights, and coordinate industry responses to CMS actions.
Contact: Carol Blackford
Coding Work Group
This standing work group will monitor, discuss, and work to improve CPT, and HCPCS code processes.
Contact: Tara Burke
Colombia Working Group
To advance AdvaMed?s Colombia America advocacy reducing patient barriers to medtech across the disciplines of trade, regulatory, access and ethics
Contact: Steven Bipes
Combination Products Working Group
To improve the regulatory process for combination products. (Meetings/Calls: Quarterly)
Contact: Janet Trunzo
Cybersecurity Working Group
The AdvaMed Cybersecurity Working Group is a consortium of medical device industry professionals focused on improving Cybersecurity in the medical device ecosystem to protect patient safety and sensitive data.
Contact: Zach Rothstein
Data Access & Interoperability Task Force
§ This task force supports the AdvaMed Digital Health Tech (DHT) Board Data Access & Interoperability Committee?s work on: § Developing a Data Access Code of Conduct Framework to build and maintain trust between health systems and medtech companies; § The development of a standard set of data-sharing templates between medtech companies and health care providers, including data types and access points required; § Governance models that support the use of the Data-Sharing Template; § Process, technical, and storage standards across industry and providers.
Contact: Terry Chang
Data Stewardship & Privacy Interest Group
As a member of the Data Stewardship & Privacy Interest Group (DSPIG), you will receive the following: Updates about legislative and regulatory developments; Information about the development of AdvaMed policy positions, recommendations, and comments, along with opportunities to provide feedback; Invitations to volunteer for advocacy engagements; Invitations to participate in benchmarking surveys; and Invitations to educational webinars and virtual meetings.
Contact: Terry Chang
De Novo Working Group
To address regulatory de novo issues. (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Geeta Pamidimukkala
Device and Diagnostics Compliance Group (DDCG)
The group promotes medical technology industry compliance initiatives, identifies and shares best compliance practices, and works to educate individuals within the industry on legal and regulatory developments related to medical device and health care compliance issues. Convenes regular peer-to-peer meetings concerning best practices; Conducts benchmarking surveys; Develops policy positions and guidance related to health care compliance. [In-house counsel & compliance professionals]
Contact: Ida Nassar
Diabetes Payment Work Group
This issue-specific work group addresses coverage and payment barriers that limiting Medicare beneficiary access to advanced diabetes technologies and makes recommendations for eliminating these barriers.
Contact: Carol Blackford
Diabetes Working Group
To address regulatory issues pertaining to medical devices important to diabetes patients, including blood glucose monitors, continuous blood glucose monitors, and insulin pumps (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Diagnostics CLIA Working Group
To monitor and address issues pertaining to The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Diagnostics Payment Work Group
This standing work group addresses payment, coverage and coding issues related to in-vitro diagnostic products.
Contact: Tara Burke
Diagnostics Task Force
To address the global regulatory and technology issues affecting Diagnostics that require technical input including FDA product review, manufacturing, and compliance issues, CLIA, the IVD Directive and Canadian regulation. (Meetings/Calls: Quarterly)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Digital Health Tech Payment Work Group
This standing work group proposes and advocates for changes to Medicare's regulatory policies to improve coverage and payment for digital technologies and/or technologies with digital components.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
DMEPOS/Competitive Bidding Work Group
This standing work group responds to policy changes proposed by CMS to Medicare's durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) benefits as well as payment policies established for these benefits under the Competitive Bidding Program.
Contact: Carol Blackford
Dx Antibiotics Resistance Work Group
Work group focused on promoting the use of quality diagnostic tests, essential tools in addressing the crisis of AMR, by facilitating patient access to appropriate and timely diagnostics tests, and driving innovations in new diagnostics.
Contact: Kristina Shultz
Dx Global Health Working Group
Work group focused on global priorities for IVDs including WHO programs and related activities
Contact: Kristina Shultz
Dx Washington Representative
Work group that connects AdvaMedDx member company government affairs professionals with the Association's advocacy and policy work.
Contact: Sarah Killeen
Environmental, Health & Safety Awareness Working Group
To provide a forum for AdvaMed members to consider EHS issues of interest to the general membership and to keep them apprised of developments; to identify EHS issues that may require advocacy efforts by AdvaMed; and to make strategic recommendations to AdvaMed's Board of Directors. (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Khatereh Calleja
ESRD Work Group
This issue-specific work group addresses payment and coverage issues related to products used in the treatment of end-stage renal disease and advocates for policy changes supporting new and innovative treatment technologies.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
European Regulatory Working Group
To streamline and harmonize the regulatory environment for medical technologies in the European market.
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
FDA Advocacy Work Group
To coordinate advocacy activity on regulatory issues and outcomes related to legislation.
Contact: Greg Crist
Germany Working Group
To coordinate with local technology industry to influence health reforms, including new DRG system, technology assessment process and funding for health care.
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
Global Reimbursement Policy Working Group
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
GMTA Regulatory Committee
To develop regulatory proposals/positions on behalf of GMTA that will be presented internationally.
Contact: Janet Trunzo
Government Affairs Cybersecurity Group
This is a group of government affairs professionals who discuss cybersecurity issues and activities that are being considered by Capitol Hill.
Contact: Greg Crist
Grassroots Liaisons
Member company grassroots liaisons
Contact: Kim Zimmerman
HCIR Credentialing Working Group
Working Group Membership: AdvaMed member company in house counsel, HR executives and other in house professionals having health care industry representative (HCIR) credentialing responsibilities.
Contact: Christopher White
India Ethics & Compliance Subgroup
This Subgroup is dedicated to addressing ethics and compliance issues in India.
Contact: Abby Pratt
India Executive Committee
Contact: Abby Pratt
India GA Subgroup
Contact: Abby Pratt
India IVD Subgroup
The AdvaMed India IVD Subgroup tracks regulatory and policy developments In India to identify challenges that impact the IVD industry. Recent initiatives include the development of an Essential Diagnostics List and the new Medical Device Rules 2017. AdvaMed works with members to assign priorities and resolve IVD related issues through meaningful engagement with the Government of India and other relevant stakeholders including the US Government WHO and other likeminded associations.
Contact: Abby Pratt
India Regulatory Subgroup
This Subgroup is dedicated to addressing regulatory issues in India.
Contact: Abby Pratt
India Working Group
Contact: Abby Pratt
Infusion Pump Working Group
To monitor and address regulatory issues affecting infusion pumps including FDA and international initiatives. (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Inpatient Hospital Payments Work Group
This standing workissue group proposes and advocates for changes to Medicare's regulatory policies to improve coverage and payment for medical technologies under the Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systemcharged with developing initial inpatient payment recommendations for PPWG.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
Inpatient-Only List Transition Work Group
This issue-specific work group discusses policy considerations and recommendations for updating Medicare's Inpatient Only (IPO) List, including transitioning procedures off the IPO List.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
Inspections Subgroup
AdvaMed will compile a list of current issues with FDA's facilities inspection process and work with FDA to (1) discuss inspectional issues and strategies to address these issues and (2) assist the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) in its investigator training program. AdvaMed also will work on legislative/regulatory reforms to improve the FDA medical device inspection process.
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Intellectual Property Working Group
Work Group Membership: AdvaMed member company in-house counsel having IP responsibilities.
Contact: Terry Chang
International Special Reps
Support IBC.
Contact: Ashley Miller
Italy Payback Working Group
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
Italy Working Group
To work with local industry to improve the timeliness of payments for medical in Italy.
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
Japan Regulatory Working Group
To streamline and harmonize the regulatory environment for medical technologies in the Japanese market.
Contact: Philip Agress
Japan Reimbursement Working Group
To promote policies which ensure timely and appropriate levels of valuation for medical technology products.
Contact: Philip Agress
Korea Working Group
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
Latin America Access Working Group
The LatAm Access Working Group advances AdvaMed?s LatAm regional access work including a priority on the implementation of value-based care and value-based procurement, payment, reimbursement, health technology incorporation
Contact: Steven Bipes
Latin America Compliance Working Group
Working Group Membership: AdvaMed member company global executives, in house compliance officers, compliance lawyers and other professional in house staff having responsibility for company ethics compliance matters in Latin America.
Contact: Patrick Fogarty
Latin America Regulatory Working Group
The LatAm Regulatory Working Group advances AdvaMed?s LatAm regional regulatory work including a priority on the implementation of foundational good regulatory practices and medical device specific regulatory convergence, working in close collaboration with the Inter-American Coalition for Regulatory Convergence ? Medical Technology Sector.
Contact: Steven Bipes
Legal Committee Amicus Brief Steering Committee
Contact: Christopher White
Lithium Battery Air Transport Group
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
LT-ECG Work Group
This issue-specific work group discusses payment for the use of Extended ECG monitoring under Medicare.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
MedTech Investment Working Group
This group includes investor members and active member company representatives in business development, strategy, and corporate venture, as well as fundraising CEOs of small companies. It holds quarterly meetings to address issues and policies impacting MedTech innovation and investment. It organizes partnering events and receptions at investment and industry conferences and promotes networking, business development, and fundraising opportunities.
Contact: Patrick Brennan
Mexico Working Group
To advance AdvaMed?s Mexico advocacy reducing patient barriers to medtech across the disciplines of trade, regulatory, access and ethics
Contact: Steven Bipes
National Security and Economic Sanctions Working Group
Contact: Abby Pratt
Ophthalmic Devices Working Group
To address domestic and international regulatory and reimbursement issues of common concern to member companies in the ophthalmic sector. (Meetings/Calls: Quarterly)
Contact: Tara Federici
Orthopedic Products Working Group
To address regulatory issues affecting orthopedic products. (Meetings/Calls: weekly)
Contact: Ana Loloei
Orthopedic Reimbursement Work Group
This issue-specific work group addresses regulatory issues affecting reimbursement for orthopedic products.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
OUS Investment Restrictions
Contact: Ashley Miller
Outpatient PPS/Ambulatory Surgical Center Work Group
This standing workissue group proposes and advocates for changes to Medicare's regulatory policies to improve coverage and payment for medical technologies under the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systemcharged with developing initial outpatient and ASC payment recommendations for PPWG.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
Pacemaker & Implantable Defibrillator Working Group
To address FDA regulation of pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defribrillators and other issues associated with these devices. (Meetings/Calls: As needed)
Contact: Geeta Pamidimukkala
Payment Advocacy Work Group
To coordinate advocacy activity on payment and outcomes related legislation and regulation.
Contact: Amanda Walsh
Payment Policy Work Group
This standing work group is used to discuss emerging issues, make recommendations on AdvaMed positions on important issues, and support the Payment and Health Care Delivery Department's strategic priorities.
Contact: Carol Blackford
Pediatric Working Group
To monitor and address issues related to pediatric device development and postmarket surveillance. (Meetings/Calls: every other week)
Contact: Ana Loloei
Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics (PMMD) Working Group
To address regulatory issues pertaining to personalized medicine. (Meetings/Calls: Quarterly)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Working Group
This standing workissue group proposes and advocates for changes to Medicare's regulatory policies to improve access to medical technologies under the Physician Fee Schedulecharged with developing initial physician payment recommendations for AdvaMed's Payment Policy Work Group ("PPWG").
Contact: Carol Blackford
PMA Working Group
To address FDA regulation of devices requiring a PMA. (Meetings/Calls: Every two months)
Contact: Janet Trunzo
Postmarket Policy Working Group
To address regulatory and legislative initiatives that impact medical devices in distribution.
Contact: Khatereh Calleja
Public Affairs Coordinating Council
To exchange communications strategies and messages and to coordinate activities so as to maximize the communications power of the medical technology industry in support of patient access to medical technology.
Contact: Jim Jeffries
Quality System Working Group
To address and promote the interests of the industry, both domestically and internationally, in quality assurance and regulatory compliance issues related to the development, manufacture, installation, distribution and service of medical devices.
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
Quality Work Group
This issue-specific group will focus on CMS quality reporting programs, alternative payment models, and payment demonstration projects. This group will highlight the critical role of medtech in delivering high-quality care and provide a forum for collaboration and industry response.
Contact: Amber Stock
Radiation Therapy Global Committee
The RT Sector will strive to influence global government and healthcare thought leaders to increase patient access to radiation therapy.
Contact: Shandi Barney
Radiation Therapy Government Affairs Committee
The RT Sector will collaborate with Congress to develop policies that support innovation, maintain and increase patient access to radiation therapy.
Contact: Shandi Barney
Radiation Therapy Payment Work Group
This issue-specific work group works to promote and secure fair, stable, and transparent reimbursement coverage policies for radiation therapy technologies.
Contact: Kirsten Tullia
Radiation Therapy Public Affairs Committee
The RT Sector will strive to increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of the value of radiation therapies in the U.S. and around the globe.
Contact: Shandi Barney
Radiation Therapy Regulatory Working Group
The RT Sector will work to shape regulatory environments to ensure predictable, efficient, and science-based policies and decision-making. (Meetings/Calls: Monthly)
Contact: Peter Weems
Russia/Ukraine Task Force
Contact: Abby Pratt
Skin Substitute Work Group
This issue-specific work group promotes adoption of favorable wound technology coverage and coding, and reimbursement policies.
Contact: Tara Burke
Skin Substitutes Work Group
This issue-specific work group promotes adoption of favorable wound technology coverage and coding, and reimbursement policies.
Contact: Tara Burke
Software and Digital Health Working Group
To address regulatory and policy issues affecting digital health devices (e.g., SaMD, SiMD, AI-enabled devices, Clinical Decision Support, and mobile medical apps)
Contact: Geeta Pamidimukkala
Spine Working Group
To monitor and address issues related to UDI and spine, trauma tray and other devices distributed in trays (Meetings/Calls: weekly)
Contact: Ana Loloei
Standards Working Group
Monitor and work with FDA to maximize the use of standards in product submissions. Coordinate and encourage AdvaMed involvement in standards issues. (Meetings/Calls: Monthly)
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
State Affairs Working Group
To oversee the Association's state legislative advocacy program.
Contact: Greg Crist
Statistics Working Group
To address statistical issues in FDA guidances and regulations and to provide statistical expertise and support to other AdvaMed working groups. (Meetings/Calls: TBD)
Contact: Janet Trunzo
Sunshine Implementation Working Group
Develops comments and policy guidance concerning the implementation of / amendments to the Physician Payments Sunshine provisions of the Affordable Care Act/ Open Payments Program. [In-house Compliance & Gov’t Affairs professionals]
Contact: Terry Chang
Taiwan Working Group
To monitor regulatory, payment and code issues in Taiwan as they arise.
Contact: Kyle Churchman
Trade Advocacy Work Group (TAWG)
To coordinate advocacy activity on trade issues and related legislation and regulation.
Contact: Amanda Walsh
Trade and Tech Council (TTC)
Contact: Kyle Churchman
Transparency Strategy Group
This is a group of government affairs professionals who discuss issues related to price transparency and Capitol Hill.
Contact: Greg Crist
UDI Working Group
To address regulatory and legislative initiatives that impact the application of UDI to medical devices and the transmission of data associated with UDI.
Contact: Jamie Wolszon
UK Working Group
To work with local industry to promote access to innovative medical technologies and to increase the level of spending on medical technology.
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
US-EU Digital Data Policy
Contact: Joseph Gatewood
Utlization Management
Tara Burke and Amber Stock will lead this issue-specific work group will work to develop principles and promote key reforms needed to reduce prior authorization delays and physician burden, while enhancing patient care.
Contact: Tara Burke
Value-Based Safe Harbor Modernization Working Group
To address specific legal policy issues associated with innovative partnerships between providers and manufacturers.
Contact: Terry Chang
Vascular Procedure Work Group
This issue-specific work group reviews public and private plan coverage and payment issues related to vascular procedures.
Contact: Carol Blackford
Washington Heads of Offices
To provide overall direction and coordination to the staff and member company Washington Heads of Offices.
Contact: Greg Crist
Washington Representatives
To provide overall direction and coordination to the staff and member company Washington representatives.
Contact: Greg Crist
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