Resource Library

AdvaMed® Code Of Ethics on Interactions With Health Care Professionals in China

AdvaMed® China Code of Ethics Front Page

The AdvaMed® Code of Ethics on Interactions with Health Care Professionals in China – the “AdvaMed® China Code” or “Code” – serves as a foundational charter for medical technology companies’ compliance programs and encourages the companies to adopt best practices in the ethics unique to their industry.  

AdvaMed® has developed revisions to the China Code to reaffirm the medtech industry’s dedication to ethical and compliant partnerships with health care providers in China. The revisions address evolving compliance and legal standards and incorporate additional provisions on risk areas unique to medical technology companies in China. The revised China Code is effective on July 1, 2024. 

Member Certification

Complete the 2024-2026 AdvaMed® China Code certification for members. 

The revisions to the text and FAQs: 

Available in: 

Additional resources and implementation tools for the China Code of Ethics can be found here.

Certification and Training 

For resources to develop your own Code of Ethics training program for your staff, please contact Quentin Roemer.