AdvaMed Statements from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Listening Sessions on Transitional Coverage of Emerging Technologies

On February 17, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) held the first of two listening sessions to obtain feedback from stakeholders on coverage process improvements, including its development of an alternative coverage pathway to provide transitional coverage for emerging technologies. During this listening session, AdvaMed provided recommendations on policy and process improvements that would create a predictable pathway to Medicare coverage for new and innovative medical devices and diagnostics.

On March 31, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) held the second of two listening sessions to obtain feedback from stakeholders on coverage process improvements, including its development of an alternative coverage pathway to provide transitional coverage for emerging technologies. During this listening session, AdvaMed provided responses to a set of questions posed by CMS on the parameters for a new Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies (TCET) program, including the types of guidance provided by and engagement with CMS in a potential TCET review process.
For more information on AdvaMed’s efforts around prior authorization policy, please contact Chandra Branham.