On September 13, AdvaMed submitted comments to CMS on the CY 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Payment System proposed rule. In this comment letter, AdvaMed expressed support for improvements to both the OPPS and ASC Payment System to better reflect the costs of innovative medical technology, such as CMS’ proposal to increase payment for certain code combinations within the ASC payment system, and responded to CMS requests for comment on payment for software as a service and Rural Emergency Hospital Quality Reporting Program measures. AdvaMed also continued to advocate for further improvements to CMS’ payment systems, including improvements to the Transitional Passthrough Payment program.
For more information on AdvaMed’s efforts around hospital outpatient payment, ASC payment, and the TPT Program, please contact Kirsten Tullia.